Nikon L35AF – Pikaichi
The Nikon L35AF is an early automatic compact camera, which to this day stands up to more modern options.
Nikon FM2n – Small and tough
The Nikon FM2 and FM2n aimed as a consumer camera is anything but, this extremely well built SLR just lets you get on with being creative.
Prakti – Early prakticalities
The Prakti is an East German camera, often referred to as the fist camera with motorised film advance and automatic exposure, released in 1960!
Hasselblad XPan – Xpand the panoramic
The Hasselblad XPan is an iconic panoramic 35mm rangefinder camera with expected quality and a very unique format.
Canon Sure Shot 70 Zoom – Compact Zooming
The Canon Sure Shot 70 Zoom is a compact from the 90s, when plastic compacts were all the rage.
Nikon F2 – Ultimate Legend
The Nikon F2 is often considered the ultimate mechanical single lens reflex camera, the photographer's camera. Read about the camera which cemented photojournalism into popular culture.
Rank Mamiya – What’s in a name?
The Rank Mamiya, also known as the Mamiya Ruby or 4B, is a rangefinder from the 60's with an unfortunate name.
Kodak Ektachrome – The first time that nearly wasn’t
A story on how the first use of the new Kodak Ektachrome went, with initial impressions and review.
Combinations – 2 Leicas, a Fuji and a Nikon in Auckland
We all like to do similar hobbies with our kids, I am lucky as my son is getting into film photography and this is a trip we took together to Auckland, using film cameras.
Kiev 4 – The Non-Clone
The Kiev 4 is a beautiful, silent and graceful camera. It has a classic rangefinder design which just makes you want to pick it up and start shooting with it. Paired up with the well regarded Jupiter 8M Contax mount lens, it forms a formidable team. Especially with a very accurate focus, achieved through one of the widest available rangefinder bases, on paper it should be a dream to use. It is unfair to call it a clone, as it was manufactured using a significant number of tools and machines the Contax originals were made with. That is because it was built with plans and equipment taken from the Carl…