Film DX Coding – A photographer’s life hack
Modifying the DX Coding on film allows you to use a different ISO in an automatic camera. Perfect for pushing/pulling film and for bulk rolled film.
Olympus XA3 – Red cameras go faster
The Olympus XA3 is a compact semi automated camera known for quality out of such a small camera. Perfect for the pocket, I use mine as much as I can.
Olympus Pen S – The never-ending story
The Olympus Pen S is a tiny little half frame camera, that started popularised the smaller is better concept. I shot everything I could with mine.
Lomo Smena 8M – The Comrade for the Young Generation
The camera made for the young soviet generation, the Lomo Smena 8M, has made its place in history. Smena (CMEHA) is Russian for “Young Generation” which is the market this camera was aimed at. Production over 35 years ensured millions of soviet families recorded their memories with it. It is somewhat of an enigma though, where it is very easy to classify it as a toy, but it is also part of a photographic movement which was named after the company, namely “Lomography”. A modern-day company is also called Lomography, such is the popularity of that photography style. Lomography tends to divide the photographic community. “Serious” photographers tend to classify…
Nikon F – Start of a Legacy
The Nikon F started a line of professional SLR cameras which dominated the market for many decades. A quality systems camera had me captured immediately.
Kodak Retinette 1B Type 037 – Fat Boy
Secondary lines for cameras in the past have created iconic cameras. The Kodak Retinette series had the pedigree to achieve this, following up from the hugely popular and very well regarded Retina range. The Retinettes were aimed more at the general camera users rather than the enthusiasts, but having been built with some very good and quality parts they are quite well regarded. The Retinette 1B Type 037 is a middle child model of this range. As to why it is called the Fat Boy, I am not sure. I have searched online but while it is called this in many places I cannot find any reason why it is…
Olympus Pen EE-2 – An 11-year-old’s perspective
The Olympus Pen EE-2 is small half frame camera with auto exposure I gave this camera to my 11 year old son to give his view of it.
Olympus Trip 35 – The holiday camera
The Canon Sure Shot A1, also known as the Autoboy, is a waterproof compact camera. This is a very fun camera which I always take on holidays.
Tale of two festivals, with two different camera bags
Last weekend Sydney hosted two quite different festivals, The Festival of Chocolate and The Festival of the Wind. Both with a tonne of photographic opportunities, but to my mind requiring very different approaches. I attended both of these and thought it would be interesting to show what I chose to use and why. I will be posting the photographs I was able to make soon, but this article is primarily on the different camera bags of equipment. I actually wrote this article because I get asked quite often by people what type of camera or equipment they should buy and use. While I do tend to try and help people,…
Yashica Electro 35 GL
Yashica Electro 35 GL is one of the later versions of the popular series of the fixed lens rangefinder series. Often touted as poor man's Leica, I tried it.