LOMO LC-Wide – Expansive Lomography
The LOMO LC-Wide is the wide lens variant of the popular LC-A. The genetics are obvious from the first moment, so I gave it a whirl.
LOMO LC-A – The lomography machine
The LOMO LC-A is considered one of the main drivers of the lomography movement. Even its discovery is an interesting story.
Lomography Fisheye 2 – Fishbowl world
The Lomography Fisheye 2 is a fun toy camera giving you a different view of the world. I pretended to be in a fishbowl for a while with this camera.
BelOMO Agat 18K – Plastic Fantastic
The BelOMO Agat 18K is a bit of an oddity. It is a camera that by all intents and purposes sells itself as a toy camera, but has functionality which even some “better” made cameras lack. When you first pick it up is feels very light and is considered one of, if not, the lightest film cameras that use 35mm ever made. As it is a Soviet made camera, it continues the theme of Red October this month. The styling is colourful and playful. The camera does come in different colours to give the impression of fun. It is also the kind of camera that is ideal for not attracting…
Minolta 110 Zoom SLR – The flat wonder
To try out 110 film there are only a few higher quality options, with the Minolta 110 Zoom SLR being one of them. This is very distinctive looking camera, possibly designed to resemble an original Cylon Raider! What it does show is that Minolta, in their heyday, was very progressive and not afraid to try new ideas. 110 film is not widely available in 2018, with Lomography being the only company producing this format. It is more of a niche film to try rather than something you would burn through lots of. If you like big grain and small photos, then this is for you. So we have a camera,…
Lomochrome – Feeling the purple and turquoise
Lomochrome films Purple and Turquoise are specialty films designed for creative results. I shot both in medium format in the Fuji GS645S.