Vietnam Travel with Film and Digital Cameras
I recently travelled to Vietnam with both film and digital cameras for photography. This is about my experience and photos from the trips.
Nikon FE – FEeling it!
The Nikon FE was Nikon's first foray into the electronic small factor SLR. From the 1970s it has become a cult classic, read why.
Nikkor 35mm PC Lens Panoramic
The Nikon Nikkor 35mm PC lens is a fantastic way to create breathtaking panoramic photos. I show you how I do it.
Three Cameras of 2022 for 2023
Voigtlander Superb, Mamiya 7 and Nikon Coolpix 995 are a list of three cameras I have used in 2022 which are destined for more use in 2023.
Nikon FG – Bite size
The Nikon FG is a small SLR which belongs to a big lens system. In this review I cover my experiences shooting it for an extended period.
Nikon F4 – Evolution of the legend
The Nikon F4 is a professional SLR which is designed to handle anything thrown at it. This review covers my 4 year experience with it.
Nikon F100 – The smaller professional
The Nikon F100 is the last prosumer SLR by this iconic company. With its professional features I have used it regularly for a few years.
Extinction Rebellion Protests – with the Nikon F4s
The Extinction Rebellion movement was one of the driving forces behind high profile protests during 2019. I captured a couple with the Nikon F4s.
Nikon F3 – Legend with a red stripe
The Nikon F3 is an iconic 35mm SLR camera, with the distinctive red line. Being one of my main manual cameras, I have written my thoughts about it.
Nikon RD2 (One.Touch 100) – Auto in 80s
The Nikon RD2 (One.Touch 100) is a auto-everything compact camera from the 1980s. It is a handy little carry everywhere camera I carried with me for a while.