Nikon L35AF – Pikaichi
The Nikon L35AF is an early automatic compact camera, which to this day stands up to more modern options.
Nikon FM2n – Small and tough
The Nikon FM2 and FM2n aimed as a consumer camera is anything but, this extremely well built SLR just lets you get on with being creative.
Nikon F2 – Ultimate Legend
The Nikon F2 is often considered the ultimate mechanical single lens reflex camera, the photographer's camera. Read about the camera which cemented photojournalism into popular culture.
Combinations – 2 Leicas, a Fuji and a Nikon in Auckland
We all like to do similar hobbies with our kids, I am lucky as my son is getting into film photography and this is a trip we took together to Auckland, using film cameras.
Nikon Lite.Touch 140 Zoom – A little bit of luxury
Everyone loves a little bit of luxury. The finer things in life. Not that surprising we then have a camera with gold trimmings like the Nikon Lite.Touch 140 Zoom ED AF. A camera that gives the feeling you are using something with leather seats and a top class gold finish. That is if you ignore the fact the camera body is all plastic, lightweight and all electronic. There is a real surge in the world of compact film cameras at the moment, with some models commanding extraordinary prices. This is especially true on some models in demand with either known sharp prime lenses (e.g. Olympus mju) or even some zoom…
24HourProject Sydney 2017 – The experience
I enjoy photography a lot, and I love it when I can do something that helps people. Combining the two together would be ideal, and this is where the 24HourProject gives me the vehicle to achieve this. The 24HourProject is an event which has now been in play for about 5 years, to document different cities across the world, for every hour, on the same day. This year it was on 1st April 2017, and according to the website covered 112 countries, about 840 cities with just under 4000 photographers. I came across the 24HourProject on social media last year after it had run, so I registered for this year’s…
Nikon F – Start of a Legacy
The Nikon F started a line of professional SLR cameras which dominated the market for many decades. A quality systems camera had me captured immediately.
Tale of two festivals, with two different camera bags
Last weekend Sydney hosted two quite different festivals, The Festival of Chocolate and The Festival of the Wind. Both with a tonne of photographic opportunities, but to my mind requiring very different approaches. I attended both of these and thought it would be interesting to show what I chose to use and why. I will be posting the photographs I was able to make soon, but this article is primarily on the different camera bags of equipment. I actually wrote this article because I get asked quite often by people what type of camera or equipment they should buy and use. While I do tend to try and help people,…