Lomography Fisheye 2 – Fishbowl world
The Lomography Fisheye 2 is a fun toy camera giving you a different view of the world. I pretended to be in a fishbowl for a while with this camera.
Pentax Espio 80V – Handy little companion
The Pentax Espio 80V is a small 35mm point and shoot compact camera. Billed as a "use everywhere" camera, I tried doing exactly that.
Holga 120N – The serious toy camera
The Holga 120N is iconic for producing unpredictable results. It has been a lot of fun shooting creatively with it.
Canon Sure Shot 70 Zoom – Compact Zooming
The Canon Sure Shot 70 Zoom is a compact from the 90s, when plastic compacts were all the rage.
BelOMO Agat 18K – Plastic Fantastic
The BelOMO Agat 18K is a bit of an oddity. It is a camera that by all intents and purposes sells itself as a toy camera, but has functionality which even some “better” made cameras lack. When you first pick it up is feels very light and is considered one of, if not, the lightest film cameras that use 35mm ever made. As it is a Soviet made camera, it continues the theme of Red October this month. The styling is colourful and playful. The camera does come in different colours to give the impression of fun. It is also the kind of camera that is ideal for not attracting…